Sections are very important parts of your documentation. Use sections to give your documentation an individual look and feel. Additionally you can use sections as "conditional" text. You can set the export of each section for each configuration separately. You can format all sections in each output format for the whole project. This topic gives a short overview how your sections can appear in the output.
Help Topic / Settings Page
Where and how do sections appear in the output?
As part of the topic (inline), as table, as link list, as separate window, as pop-up window, in a tab set or as part of a report (for example a glossary).
Where do I determine whether a section appears in a separate window?
The appearance of section types cannot be changed. To show a section on a separate page, you must use Additional Information or See Also type sections. In HTML you can display all sections in a pop-up window.
You can show or hide headings. The default setting for most sections is: Section headings are hidden when the section appears as first section of a topic and are shown otherwise. You can determine to show or hide section headings separate for generic and source topics. In HTML and PDF you can show images in section headings or floating next to the section text. When you display sections in a tab set you can use the tab set name as section heading.
How can I format section text? Is it possible to format sections separately?
You can separately apply formatting such as font type, size and color to text in all sections. Separate pages in the Help systems where sections appear (for example Additional information and See also link lists) can be formatted individually.
Is it possible to assign another heading to each used section?
When you use sections of the types Additional Informationand Named Section you can assign another name each time you use the section. To name a Additional Information section, enter a heading (paragraph format) as very first text behind the section heading. To name Named Sections, enter the name as very first string behind the section heading and insert a comma between name and section text.