This topic describes how you create a new project. You will learn how to assign names and project titles to your projects, how to save your projects and how to open them again. Use the New Project Wizard to create a new project, if you document source files of natively supported languages.
To create a new project
Click the Doc-O-Matic File button, and then click New Project.
Do one of the following:
To create a project that uses the default settings select Create a new project and add these output formats. Then select the output formats you want to add to your project.
To create output that resembles the corresponding IDE Help system or use your own template project, select Create new project from a template. In the Template list, select a preformatted Doc-O-Matic project template or your own project template.
Click the File button, click Save, and then name your project file. Your entire project is stored as a .dox file, the Doc-O-Matic project file. In Doc-O-Matic project files project settings like output configurations and the structure of your Help are saved.
For making project paths independent of installation paths of other used files, see Path Macros.
To open your project
Click the File button, and then click to Open.
Click the File button, and then click a project in the Recent Projects list.
To give your project a project title and summary
On the View tab in the Views group, click Settings.
Click the General Settings tab.
Select General.
Type the title of your project in the Title box.
To exit the project
Click the File button, and then click Exit.
If you have changed your project, Doc-O-Matic will prompt you to save or discard the changes.
The project title appears in various locations of the generated outputs. It should be short (no longer than 128 characters) and significant. You can overwrite the project information for each configuration on the Files & Format page.
Advanced User Information
You can use a master project file for your project, so that the project stores only setting differences between itself and the master project. Changes in the master project are reflected in the project automatically (upon loading). In addition you can load your TOC information from an external file so that you can use this information for multiple projects for example for the translation of your documentation.