All HTML Help systems come with special pages such as welcome page, a table of contents page, and an index page. For each topic that is exported one page is created. HTML Help and Help 2 also include a table of contents, an index, and a search tab for full text search.
Folder (Contents Entries) appear in the table of contents only. Doc-O-Matic automatically creates grouping entries for each type of symbol to arrange symbol topics (for example Symbol Reference, Classes, Functions).
When you use HTML files as external source (for example Word documents or Visio charts saved as HTML), they are added as topics to your HTML output.
Some sections (for example Body Source Code, Additional Information, See Also and the Navigation and Group Information Section) can be shown on separate pages. Links are automatically created from topics to these additional pages. All sections can be formatted as pop-up windows and they can be expanded.
You can print your PDF and RTF document. The PDF document can also be used as Online Help. The online version includes a separate bookmarks window, in which the table of contents appears.
Topic titles are used as headings in PDF documents; they are numbered automatically. Folder (Contents Entries) do only appear as headings.
You can print the PDF Document double-sided with swapped header and footer information and page margins or you can print it one-sided.
Doc-O-Matic automatically creates grouping entries for each type of symbol to arrange symbol topics (for example Symbol Reference, Classes, Functions).
All sections of a topic are part of the respective topic.