Plain text files can be added to a Doc-O-Matic project in the Project Manager. Doc-O-Matic automatically uses the filename of the plain text file as topic ID.
To assign another topic ID to your file, do one of the following:
Include a text file in a DTX file using the include tag or the Insert > Text Include command in the Topic Editor. If you include a text file, you do not have to change the file name of your text file.
To include a text file named description.txt and the topic ID New Topic ID:
Create a DTX file named description.dtx (the name is not important) with the following content:
----------- begin -----------
@@New Topic ID
<include description.txt>
----------- end -----------
Add the dtx file to the project. The topic New Topic ID, which contains text from your txt file description, is part of your project.
Another way to assign another topic ID to the content of your plain text file is to transform it into a DTX file. Topic IDs in DTX files can be changed easily. For details, see Plain Text Files.
Including a text file using the include tag you can only include one topic per file. Manually inserted Topic Identifiers are not recognized using the include tag.