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> How can I create different documentation from one source?
Doc-O-Matic 10
How can I create different documentation from one source?

To produce two types of documentation such as documentation for internal and for customer use from only one source file:

  • Use other sections for each version.
  • Do not export the sections you do not want to include in the current version.
  • Label text parts and exclude this text in the current configuration.
  • Use topics or documentation snippets and exclude them in one configuration.

For example, assume you have a topic with ID "Overview", which contains both comment and specific information:

@@Overview This is the overview for my project, it contains information on the architecture but nothing specific to a certain SKU. Professional: The professional version of the product can do this and this. Enterprise: The enterprise version is the full product, which does more then the professional version. Therefore this information goes into the enterprise documentation only
  1. Add two sections to your project named professional and enterprise (with starter strings set to the same) on the Sections page, and enter all specific information for all topics into these sections.
  2. Create one professional and one enterprise configuration.
  3. In the professional configuration omit the enterprise section and in the enterprise configuration omit the professional section on the Files & Format > Sections page.
  4. On the Project tab, in the Build group click the arrow next to Build , and then click Build All .
  5. Both documentations are created.

Sections, Section Appearance

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