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> General > General Options > Localization and Terms
Localization and Terms
Doc-O-Matic 10
Localization and Terms

How to get here: In Settings on the General Settings tab, select [General Settings] > General > Localization.

  1. Click New or Clone.
  2. Create a new .dic file and store it in your project folder.
  3. The new dictionary file opens.
  4. In the list enter your translation.
    Note: For words with a format specifier (%s or %d) the translated entry must contain the same format specifiers.
  5. To change an existing translation click Edit on the Localization page.
  6. Sent your new translations to Support to share it with other users. We are happy to add your translation to the standard pack of dictionaries. With your permission we will publish your dictionary on our Web site and add it to the dictionary pack of the next version.
  1. Click the down arrow and select one of the dictionaries stored in the dictionaries folder.

dictionary file (.dic file) A file that contains all section names of your project and all words that Doc-O-Matic automatically inserts in the generated output.


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