Doc-O-Matic generates HTML Files (WebHelp), HTML Help, Help 2, XML and print documentation in PDF and RTF. The next sections describe how you can add configurations and set options for the generation process. Doc-O-Matic parses your project before building it, so that your documentation is always accurate.
To generate your output
On the Project tab in the Active Configuration group, click the Active Configuration button.
In the Configuration menu, select the configuration you want to build.
Click Build or press F9.
To build the current topic only, click the Build button, and then click Build Current Topic.
In the message pane Doc-O-Matic displays building messages.
To learn more about how problems during the generation process like broken links and unresolved image paths are solved, see Customizing the Generation Process.
After successfully creating the output, Doc-O-Matic opens the created output.