The Messagepane displays messages such as informational messages about the progress of a build, warning messages indicating problems in your documentation (for example missing parameter documentation), or error messages, which indicate that there is something going wrong when building the project in the Build Messages tab. In addition, the Messagepane displays all search results of a projectwide search.
These are the types of messages that can appear in the Messageview:
A purely informational message, such as a progress message.
A hint message, telling you about actions taken by Doc-O-Matic that affect the generated documentation.
A warning message, telling you that there is a problem in your documentation that is non-critical.
An error message, telling you that there is an error that possibly makes the documentation erroneous.
The next section describes all types of error messages that can be shown in the Messageview.
To configure the message pane
To open the topic for which Doc-O-Matic has generated a warning, an error or that includes the searched string, double-click the topic ID.
To sort the messages shown in the Messagepane, use the buttons on top of the Messagepane.
To save the content of the Messagepaneto a file or to the clipboard, right-click and select Save to File or Save to Clipboard.
To clear the Messagepane, right-click and select Clear.