Doc-O-Matic automatically creates several navigation links to other topics and in Help systems to navigation pages of the corresponding topic. Links are presented as subsection of the navigation section. In addition, all links are listed in the Links (See Also in Visual Studio templates) section and appear in Help systems below the topic title.
Group links
For all topics a link back to the group topic (link text is the name of the group topic) and a section that lists the group topic is generated (Group navigation subsection). For symbol topics this section is called class, namespace or module depending on the context of the symbol. When you generate content for folder topics the group link of the subtopics links to the folder topic.
Class, namespace and symbol overview links (AutoDoc links)
You can generate links from class members to the class and the namespace (AutoDoc Member Links). When you use the AutoDoc feature to generate content for folders and member overviews you can also create links to these folders (AutoDoc Class Member Overview links,AutoDoc Class Folder links). The links are presented in the Links section and below the topic title.
File, namespace and module links
For global symbols a link to the file, in which global symbols such as classes, types, macros, functions are contained is created. Additionally a section that lists the file, the namespace and the modul, in which these symbols are contained is created. (Container Section). Optionally you can create a file link and a container section for class members.
Links to subpages in Help systems
For all navigation subpages a link to this page and on the page back to the topic page is created. Links are presented in the Links section and below the topic title.