Doc-O-Matic parses your C++, C#, Delphi, IDL, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, PHP and VB.NET source code files and all quoted includes (that is #include "file.h" and {$INCLUDE}).
To prevent Doc-O-Matic from resolving include directives, clear the Parse include files automatically check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsingpage.
Doc-O-Matic can also parse all system include files in C++ source code.
To parse system include files, select the System Include Files option on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Optionspage.
If you have stored all included files in the same folder as your source files, Doc-O-Matic will detect them. If you have stored them in other directories, add these directories in the Project Manager.
To change conditional define options
Doc-O-Matic parses all parts of conditional defines by default. Doc-O-Matic can handle #ifdef, $IFDEF and certain #if or $IF.
To only parse defined parts, select the Handle Conditional Defines check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > Conditionals page and add your defined symbols in the Defines box.
To change C++ parser options
To expand macros, add your macro files on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Options page. You can find the file macros_reduced.h, which contains commonly used macros, in the Support subdirectory in the Doc-O-Matic directory. Doc-O-Matic does not expand macros by default.
To convert setter and getter functions into their property representation, select the Convert set/get functions to properties check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Options page. Doc-O-Matic shows set/get functions as functions by default.
To use also functions that are not declared in the project, select the Pick up functions that have no prototype check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Optionspage. Doc-O-Matic does not show functions without prototype, by default.