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> File and Parsing Options > Parsing Options
Doc-O-Matic 10
Parsing Options
  1. Doc-O-Matic parses your C++, C#, Delphi, IDL, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, PHP and VB.NET source code files and all quoted includes (that is #include "file.h" and {$INCLUDE}).
  2. To prevent Doc-O-Matic from resolving include directives, clear the Parse include files automatically check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing page.
  3. Doc-O-Matic can also parse all system include files in C++ source code.
  4. To parse system include files, select the System Include Files option on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Options page.
  5. If you have stored all included files in the same folder as your source files, Doc-O-Matic will detect them. If you have stored them in other directories, add these directories in the Project Manager.
  1. Doc-O-Matic parses all parts of conditional defines by default. Doc-O-Matic can handle #ifdef, $IFDEF and certain #if or $IF.
  2. To only parse defined parts, select the Handle Conditional Defines check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > Conditionals page and add your defined symbols in the Defines box.
  1. To expand macros, add your macro files on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Options page. You can find the file macros_reduced.h, which contains commonly used macros, in the Support subdirectory in the Doc-O-Matic directory. Doc-O-Matic does not expand macros by default.
  2. To convert setter and getter functions into their property representation, select the Convert set/get functions to properties check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Options page. Doc-O-Matic shows set/get functions as functions by default.
  3. To use also functions that are not declared in the project, select the Pick up functions that have no prototype check box on the [General Settings] > Source Parsing > C++ Options page. Doc-O-Matic does not show functions without prototype, by default.

Source Parsing Options, C++ Parser Options, Conditional Defines

Applies to: Doc-O-Matic Professional

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