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> Comment Parsing
Comment Parsing
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> Why do my comments not appear correctly?
Doc-O-Matic 10
Why do my comments not appear correctly?

You can run into problems, if:

  • Section Starters are not set on the [General Settings] > Sections page.
  • Section Starters and section text are on the same line and no section delimiter is used and the option Allow spaces as section delimiters is not turned on.
  • Section Starters are not the first characters in a line; only wall characters and tokens may be placed in front of section starters.
  • Doc-O-Matic has not been able to detect walls and has not removed them properly. Doc-O-Matic does not detected section starters and the whole comment block is associated to the default section. Notice that only one character is allowed for walls and top and bottom lines. If you use different characters on each side you have to enter a space between them. For details, see Removing Walls.
  • Comments are not connected; Doc-O-Matic is not able to detect comment lines separated by an empty line. Only the comment block nearest to the symbol is extracted.
  • The feature Allow spaces as section delimiters is enabled and predefined words like section Starters occur in a comment as first string (for example the word example). Doc-O-Matic recognizes the word as Starter string and puts text for examples on a separate page. Use the escape sequence \ to escape predefined words or remove them from the section definition on the [General Settings] > Sections page.
  • Section Starters occur twice in a comment block. Doc-O-Matic automatically concatenates content of sections that occur twice in a comment block. If you do not want that order of your comments is changed, use different sections instead of using one section twice in a topic. You can only use Additional Information type sections several times in one topic.

Sections, Section Delimiter

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