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> How do I make properties show up as events?
Doc-O-Matic 10
How do I make properties show up as events?

Doc-O-Matic automatically displays properties as events if the event type is known to Doc-O-Matic. The event type (function pointer type) can be defined anywhere in the project. 

In the following example the property is defined using an event type that is known to Doc-O-Matic. Thus the property is shown as event in the output documentation. 

C++ example:

typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TMessageEvent)(TObject *Sender, char *msg); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PACKAGE TMessageReceiver { private: TMessageEventNotifyEvent FOnMessage; // Event handler protected: public: __published: __property TMessageEvent OnMessage = {read=FOnMessage, write=FOnMessage}; };

You can add a separate header file to your Doc-O-Matic project so that you do not have to define events in your source code. In this case, you can learn Doc-O-Matic event types that the compiler does not identify. 

In the support subdirectory in the Doc-O-Matic directory you can find the file eventtypes.pas. This file includes all event types declared in the VCL. Users of C++ can also add this file to their project and "convert" the properties in their project to events. You must not export these events otherwise they are included in your documentation.

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