How to get here: In Settings on the HTML Configuration tab, select Files & Format > Files & Folders.
Default Setting
Doc-O-Matic stores all generated files in the output subdirectory of the Doc-O-Matic directory. Make sure that you have enough free space on the drive on which the output directory is located. When generating documentation for middle sized to huge projects many files (far more than 10000 files) are created. This requires a lot of disc space, especially on drives with a FAT partition. Note that a FAT32 partition can contain a maximum of 32767 files per directory; an export will fail to such a drive if the filter creates more files. If the directory cannot be found the building process of the HTML output is aborted.
Note that it is recommended to use an output directory private to the HTML output, if you clear the directory before export. If you use the same output directory for all output formats and you use the Build All command all output files will be deleted.