Assume you have Symbol Bar that is documented and Symbol Foo that is not documented. Also assume you want to reuse the content of Symbol Bar as documentation of Symbol Foo.
Content shown for Symbol Foo
Syntax section shown for Symbol Foo
Export Necessary?
alias / docsource type="alias"
The content of symbol Bar is shown.
The syntax of symbol Bar is shown.
Only symbol Bar is shown in the TOC
Symbol Bar and Foo are listed in the index.
Both symbols must be exported.
combine / docsource type="combine"
The content of symbol Bar is shown.
The syntax of symbol Bar and Foo is shown.
Only symbol Bar is shown in the TOC.
Symbol Bar and Foo are listed in the index.
Both symbols must be exported.
copy / docsource type="copy"
All user entered content of symbol Bar is shown. Automatically generated content such as Class Inheritance, Navigation sections and links are shown of Symbol Foo.
The syntax of symbol Foo is shown.
Symbol Foo and Bar are shown in the TOC.
Symbol Foo and Bar are listed in the index.
Symbol Bar does not have to be exported to use its content.
The column Alias/Combined in the Content Manager shows that the content of a topic is taken from another topic.