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Doc-O-Matic Tools
> Filter > Create a Filter
Create a Filter
Doc-O-Matic 10
Create a Filter

The filter criteria determine which topics are included in the filter result. The following criteria are available:

  • Documentation Status: The documentation status of a topic (documented, undocumented, unfinished or using alias/combine/copy).
  • Export Status: The export status of a topic (exported, not exported).
  • Export Status Derived: The export status of a topic taking into account the export status of all its parent topics. A topic is regarded exported only if it and all its parent topics are exported.
  • Flag Value: A flag in a topic.
  • Filename: The declaration location of a symbol topic or the location of a generic topic.
  • Hierarchy: Allows you to view a certain part of the topic hierarchy only. A topic and all its sub-topics will match the criterion if it is a direct or indirect sub-topic of a topic with the given ID and if a topic matches the topic ID.
  • Item Type: The type of symbol or topic.
  • QA Check: The QA check value (available as report criterion only).
  • Section: Determines if a topic contains a certain section (available as report criterion only).
  • Topic Name: The topic title or topic ID matches the given string.
  • Version: The topic version matches the given version expression.
  1. Click the Filter Criteria arrow, and then select a filter criterion in the list.
  2. Select if you want to show the topics that match the criterion or the topics that do not match the criterion.
  3. Select Preserve hierarchy, to show the path to the topics included in the filter.
  4. In the Name box, type a name for your filter.
  5. Click More to add another filter.
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