You can use class hierarchy properties to customize the feel and look of your class hierarchy. You can determine the following properties of you class hierarchy. You can:
The unit of measure used in the class hierarchy properties is pixels. The unit of measure used for fonts is point.
Build Clusters: To group classes on the last level in one big element, select the Build Clusters check box. Classes on the same level, which do not have derived classes, are now shown in one frame.
Threshold: To build clusters only if a certain number of classes appear on the same level, enter the number in Threshold. If you enter 2 at least two classes are required to build a cluster.
Background Color: Click the Background Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Background Color list.
Border: This value determines the spacing between border and nodes and between nodes in a cluster.
Border Color: Click the Border Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Border Color list.
Snap: To move nodes along grid lines so that you can make sure that all nodes are aligned, select the Snap check box.
Show: To show a grid in your class hierarchy, which helps you position your classes, select the Show check box.
X: Enter the amount of spacing you want between horizontal grid points.
Y: Enter the amount of spacing you want between vertical grid points
Control Point Size: Enter the size you want control points to be.
Graph Border: Enter the amount of spacing you want between your graph and the border of your image.
Layout Direction: You can draw your graph left to right or top to down. Click the Layout Direction arrow, and then select Top to Down, to show derived classes following ancestor classes.
Level Spacing: Enter the amount of spacing you want between class levels.
Max Node Width: Enter the maximum width you want your nodes to be.
Min Node Height: Enter the minimum height you want your nodes to be.
Min Node Width: Enter the minimum width you want your nodes to be.
Node Spacing: Enter the amount of spacing you want between nodes on the same level. The value is a multiple of the set minimum height (left to right) or minimum width (top to down).
Nodes Adjust Width to Grid: To adjust node width to the grid size, select the Nodes Adjust Width to Grid check box.
Nodes All Same Width: To show all your nodes with the same width, select the Nodes all same Width check box.
Scale: To scale your class hierarchy output down or up, enter positive values or decimal points (for down scaling) in the scale box.
Show Control Points: Doc-O-Matic can show control points for lines that span two or more levels. With this feature you can adjust lines when you rearrange your nodes manually. To control points to appear, select the Show Control Points check box.
Sub Graph Spacing: Enter the amount of spacing you want between unconnected parts of your graph.
Arrow Options: You can draw your arrows, small or big, filled or empty, sharp or flat.
Arrows: To draw arrow to your nodes, select the Arrow check box.
Color: Click the Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Color list.
Port Offset: Enter the amount of spacing you want between node borders and the connection point of lines.
Reverse: Select the Reverse check box to change the direction the arrow is pointing at.
Styles: Click the Style arrow, and then select the style of your choice in the Style list.
Color: Click the Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Color list.
Line Shadows: To draw a shadow of your lines, select the Line Shadow check box.
Node Shadows: To draw a shadow of your nodes, select the Nodes Shadow check box.
Offset X: Enter the amount of spacing you want between the left border of nodes and the left side of the shadow.
Offset Y: Enter the amount of spacing you want between nodes or lines and the top end of the shadow.
You can set the following options for each class type in your class hierarchy.
Background Color: Click the Background Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Background Color list.
Border Color: Click the Border Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Border Color list.
Font: Assign a font, font color and font size to your class names.
Gradient Base Color: To apply a XP gradient style to your nodes, click the Gradient Base Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Gradient Base Color list.
Highlight Color: To apply a special color to selected classes, click the Highlight Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Highlight Color list.
Highlight Font Color: To apply a special font color to selected classes, click the Highlight Font Color arrow, and then select the color of your choice in the Highlight Font Color list.
Show: To omit class types from the class hierarchy, clear the Show check box.
Style: Click the Style arrow, and then select the style of your choice in the Styles list. To apply a XP gradient style, select XP Rectangle.
Style Options: Show your nodes with or without background and borders.
Text Alignment: Enter the text alignment that you want your nodes to have.
Text Spacing: Enter the amount of spacing you want between border and text on each side of the node.
Applies to: Doc-O-Matic Professional