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Doc-O-Matic Tools
> Files and Format > HTML, HTML Help, MS Help 2, Help Viewer
HTML, HTML Help, MS Help 2, Help Viewer
Printed Documenation
> Help 2 > Context Index
Doc-O-Matic 10
Context Index

How to get here: In Settings on the HTML Configuration tab, select Files & Format > Help 2 > Context Index

  1. Switch to the Editor.
  2. In the F-Keywords box in the Topic Properties, type the keywords.

context-sensitive Help A form of assistance in which a program that provides on-screen help shows information to the user concerning the current command or operation being attempted. 

index A listing of keywords and associated data that point to the location of more comprehensive information, such as topics. 

integration of Help systems The combining of an Help system with the Help system of an IDE. For the integration index entries are required in a specific format. 

VS.NET The Help 2 system of the Visual Studio .NET IDEs such as VS 2003 and VS 2005. 

fully qualified symbol name A symbol name that includes the namespace and the class name of the symbol. 

enumeration A data type consisting of a sequence of named values given in a particular order. Doc-O-Matic does not create a symbol topic and an index entry for each enumeration value. Therefore index entries for enumeration values have to be included separately. 

Index, Index Prefixes

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