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> General > Sections
Doc-O-Matic 10

How to get here: In Settings on the General Settings tab, select [General Settings] > Sections.

Text at the beginning of a comment block without a section Starter is associated with the default section. You can select any standard, summary or glossary type section as default section. 

Doc-O-Matic automatically uses section names as Starters, if you do not enter Starters for your created sections. If you rename a section make sure you enter your new Starters in front of the old so that the new section name is displayed in the Editor Section menu and in the text.

Section Type
Text with no special meaning.
Parameter Description
Text contains descriptions of function parameters. You can not apply character formatting to parameter names.
Return Description
Text contains the description of a function return value.
Return Value
Text contains descriptions of return values. You can not apply character formatting to values.
Additional Information
Text contains additional information to the topic. In this section examples can be given.
Text contains a brief description of the purpose of the item being described.
See Also List
Text contains ether a comma-separated list of topic IDs used as See Also list or normal description text. Topic IDs can also be placed each in a separate line.
Ignored Text
Text that shall be ignored by Doc-O-Matic.
Glossary Text
Text that does not appear as part of the topic in the output but can be used to create Reports.
Declaration Source
A piece of source code that is used for the source code representation of the topic. If the topic describes a symbol, the source in this section replaces the original source of the symbol in the output documentation.
Text in this section is used for the description of the body source code of functions and files.
Named Section
This section can be named by inserting its name as first string into the section and separating it from the rest by a comma.
Value Description List
Text contains a list of items and their values. You can not apply character formatting to values.
  1. In the Sections list, select the section.
  2. Click Set Default.
  3. A green icon next to the section name indicates which section is set as default.

The section types Member Description, Topic Navigation, Symbols Declaration, Symbol Body Source, Reports, Topic Links, Class Hierarchy (Inheritance Hierarchy in VS templates) and Symbol Container are used by Doc-O-Matic to automatically create the corresponding sections. Only one section of these types is used by Doc-O-Matic for this purpose. If you create other sections from these types they are not used. You can rename these sections like any other section. Do not change section types of these sections this prevents Doc-O-Matic from using these sections correctly.

sections Logical areas topics and comment blocks can be divided into. 

starters Characters that indicate that a new section starts in Doc-O-Matic. 

default section A section that is used in Doc-O-Matic for text at the beginning of a topic that does not start with section starters. 

predefined section In Doc-O-Matic sections that are available in the Doc-O-Matic installation. 

user-defined sections In Doc-O-Matic sections that the user defines in his project. 

automatically created sections In Doc-O-Matic sections that Doc-O-Matic includes in the output to present automatically generated content such as class hierarchies, declaration syntax and navigation overviews. 

XMLDoc A comment style that is processed by the C# and VB.NET compiler in the .NET framework. 

Javadoc A comment style that is processed by the Java compiler. 

Section Appearance, AutoDoc Content, Section Options

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