You are here: AutoDoc and Formatting > Formatting the Output > Formatting Topic Pages > Sections
Doc-O-Matic 10

This section describes how to select sections for the export, how to change the order in which they appear in a topic and how to change the appearance of section headings. Only sections that contain text are exported. Names of sections are used as section headings.

  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings .
  2. Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
  3. Select Files & Format > Sections.
  4. All predefined section, the sections you created for your project, and sections that are automatically generated by Doc-O-Matic are listed on the page. Sections appear in the outputs in the same order in which they are arranged in the section list.
  5. Click the Symbols Topics or the Generic Topics tab.
  6. Select a section, and then click Up and Down to rearrange the order.
  7. To prevent a section from being exported, clear the corresponding section check box.
  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings .
  2. Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
  3. Select Files & Format > Sections.
  4. Select a section in the section list, and then click Edit.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Show except for first section in a topic to show the section headings except the heading is the very first heading that is visible.
    • Click Always Show, to show the section heading.
    • Click Hide, to omit the section heading.
  1. To format characters and paragraphs of all inline sections consistently, use the Text Formatting Element.
    Note: All Topic Page Formatting Elements inherit the font name and can inherit (this is the default) the font size of the Text Formatting Element.
  2. To format paragraphs of all inline sections in HTML consistently, use the Text (Block) Formatting Element.
  3. You may also create separate Formatting Elements for the corresponding section.
    Note: All Topic Page Formatting Elements inherit the font name and can inherit (this is the default) the font size of the section Formatting Element.
  4. Change the section heading text by renaming the section on the [General Settings] > Sections page.
  5. To show sections in a pop-up window in HTML, under Popup in the Sections Properties dialog box, click Text or Image. The section is displayed in a popup and inline. If you do not want to display the section in the topic text, deactivate the section for this configuration.
  6. Use the Popup Formatting Element, to format pop-up windows in HTML. The popup link or image is displayed together with to the project info in the header of the page. You can change the position of the project info on the Header/Footer Page Layout page.
  7. Make all section expandable in HTML by selecting the Make section expandable check box in the Sections Properties dialog box.
  8. Format the Collapse/Expand All link by using the Collapse/Expand Link Formatting Element.
  9. Create anchors links below the topic title and top links below each section that uses anchor links in HTML by selecting the Create section anchor link in the Sections Properties dialog box and selecting the Create Top link check box on the Files & Format > Output Options page.
  10. Insert additional HTML code before or after the corresponding element in the HTML file in the Pre/Post Code boxes in the Sections Properties dialog box.
  11. Display sections in tabs in HTML by selecting the Tabbed section check box in the Sections Properties dialog boxes of consecutive sections. You can show several consecutive sections in one tab set and you can use several tab sets. Just make sure that all sections that you want to display in one tab set succeed each other without break in the section list on the Section Appearance page in your HTML output configuration.
  12. Format tabs by using the Section Tabs Formatting Elements.
  13. To show a section heading for your tab set enter the heading in the Tab Set check box in the Sections Properties dialog box of each section in your tab set. Leaving the check box empty or entering another heading will start a new tab set.
  14. Format the heading for your tab set by using the Section Heading Formatting Element or creating a separate section heading element for each section in you tab set.
  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings .
  2. Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
  3. Select Files & Format > Layout > Formatting.
  4. In the Formatting Elements list right-click, to see the shortcut menu.
  5. Select Create Section Element or Create Heading Element.
  6. In the Section list select the section you want to format or which heading you want to format.
  7. A new Formatting Element is added to the Formatting Elements list in the User Sections category.
  8. Double-click it.
  9. To delete the section element, select Delete on the shortcut menu.
  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings .
  2. Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
  3. Select Files & Format > Sections.
  4. Select the section you want to configure.
  5. Under Image in the Sections Properties dialog do one of the following:
    • Click First, to insert an image in the section heading before the section heading.
    • Click Last, to insert an image in the section heading after the section heading.
    • Select the Show image only check box, to omit the section heading and only show an image.
    • Click Float, to insert an image floating next to the section text.
  6. Browse to the image you want to insert.

Formatting Elements, Section Appearance

Text, Section Heading, HTML, Popup, Collapse/Expand Link, Section Tab

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