An important part of your documentation is source code that is included in your topics. You can manually add code in the Editor or automatically include source code parts in the Syntax and the Body Source sections.
To format manually added code blocks and code characters
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings.
Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
Select AutoDoc > Syntax Highlight.
Do one of the following:
Select the Syntax highlight CODE blocks check box.
Select the programming language that you want to use to syntax highlight code blocks in generic topics.
Select AutoDoc > Syntax Highlight > Formats.
Select the syntax element you want to format and click Edit.
Change the character formatting for syntax elements.
Select Files & Format > Layout > Formatting.
Use the Code and the <C> Font(HTML, RTF and PDF) Formatting Element,to format code paragraphs and code characters.
Click aHTML configuration tabs.
Select Files & Format > Output Options.
Select the Create Copy Source links for code blocks check box.
To format the syntax code sections
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings.
Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
Select AutoDoc > Code Options.
Select the corresponding check boxes.
Select Files & Format > Layout > Formatting.
Use the Syntax Source Code, and the Syntax Section HeadingFormatting Element or create your own section and heading element to format syntax sections.
Use the Section TabsFormatting Elements to format section tabs and their borders.
Change the heading of one of the syntax sections, by changing the name of the Syntax sections in the corresponding section definition on the Sections page.
Change the heading text of tabbed syntax sections, by changing the tab set name for each section that is displayed in the tab set on the Files & Format > Sectionspage.
Format the tab set heading by using the Syntax Section HeadingFormatting Element.
To format the body source section
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings.
Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
Select Files & Format > Layout > Formatting.
Use the Body Source Header, Body Source Link ListandCodeFormatting Element.
You can format the description of the body source by doing the following:
Use the Text Formatting Element.
Create a user-defined section element named body source for the description text.