You are here: AutoDoc and Formatting > Formatting the Output > Formatting Topic Pages > Topic Title and Flags
Doc-O-Matic 10
Topic Title and Flags

A very important part of each page is the page heading. In Help Systems topic titles appear as headings of each page. To customize your documentation you may add topic title images and flags to topic titles.

  1. In print documents you can control how chapter headings appear.
  2. You can use text and the following variables to build chapter headings on the Files & Format > Output Options > Topic Titles page:
    • %G% = title image
    • %C% = chapter number
    • %T% = topic title text
    • %F% = flags
  3. You can use separators between and after chapter numbers.
  4. You can apply several numbering styles to up to 12 chapter levels on the Files & Format > Page Layout > Numbering & Breaks page.
  5. You can begin numbering with each top level topic.
  6. You can format headings and numbers in headings individually for each level.
  1. In Help systems all topic titles of topic pages are consistently formatted. Topic titles of Section Pages can be individually formatted.
  2. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings .
  3. Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
  4. Select Files & Format > Page Layout > Formatting.
  5. Use the Topic Title, Additional Information, Class Hierarchy, Body Source, See Also and Navigation Header Formatting Elements.
  1. Next to topic titles one or more Flags can be added. They inform readers of a specific property of the respective topic. You can:
    • Replace Flag texts (name of the flag) with an image in the Edit Flag dialog box on the AutoDoc > Flags page.
    • Use Flags to link to other topics in the Edit Flag dialog box.
    • Use Flags as indicator images next to the topic title in Navigation tables in the Edit Flag dialog box.
    • Change the separator between several Flags on the Files & Format > Output Options > Flag Options page.
    • Format Flag texts by using the Flag Text Formatting Element.
    • Use Flags for filters and reports only and do not show them in the output by selecting the Supress normal output check box in the Edit Flag dialog box

Topic Title (PDF, RTF), Numbering and Page Breaks (PDF, RTF), Flags

Flag Text, PDF and RTF, Topic Title Level 1-12, Topic Title Number Level 1-12, HTML, Topic Title, Class Hierarchy Header, Body Source Header, Additional Information Header, Navigation Header, See Also Header

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