Navigation information is automatically added to your documentation. There are several ways how to format navigation information. Navigation information consists of symbol names (linked to the corresponding topic) and a description of this topic.
To customize description columns
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings.
Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
Select AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content.
In the Settings for box, select the topic type you want to set options for.
Select the section you want to use as description.
To omit topics and symbols without description text from navigation tables, select a specific section and then select Include topics that supply navigation description only.
Click the Word count limit arrow to set how many words you want show in the description section. Note that only section text till the first heading, list, table or preformatted code and preformat text is used as description text.
To make sure that description text does not exceed one sentence you can use the AutoDoc feature Automatic Sections to create one sentence summaries from your default section. In this case use the summary section as description text.
To customize name columns
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings.
Click the corresponding Configuration tab.
Select AutoDoc > Section Options.
Select symbol titles, symbol names or symbol declarations for the left column of your navigation tables.
Select how you want to include base class members in your navigation tables.
To format navigation information
You can format navigation information as tables or as paragraphs.
Format your navigation information on the Files & Format > Sections > Formatpage. The formatting applies to navigation pages and for navigation sections.
For both styles there exists separate Formatting Elements.
There are additional Formatting Elements for the titles of navigation subpages. Headings of navigation section and pages (for example Members) are created automatically.
To change the words used as headings in navigation sections and pages translate them in the dictionary file. For details, see Translating the Output.
You can omit table headers on the AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content > Content Options page.
You can format navigation tables with three columns and showing Name and Description in table headers on the AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content > Content Options page.
To customize local class hierarchies
You can create your class hierarchies as graphic or as text. You can:
Select the format on the AutoDoc > Local Class Hierarchypage.
Customize your local class hierarchy graphic on the AutoDoc > Local Class Hierarchy page.
Include ancestor classes defined in other projects. In this case add project databases including ancestor class information of these projects to your current project.
Customize your text class hierarchy on the AutoDoc > Local Class Hierarchy page.
Add derived classes to the class hierarchy on this page.
Format character and paragraph style of the class hierarchy by editing the Class Hierarchy (Inheritance Hierarchyin Visual Studio templates) Formatting Element.
Change the heading of the class hierarchy by renaming the Class Hierarchy section on the [General Settings]->Sections page.