You are here: Creating Documentation > Topic Editor > Topic Properties > Topic Title
Doc-O-Matic 10
Topic Title

You can assign three titles to your topics: Topic titles, TOC titles and index titles. 

There are three ways to assign a title to a topic. You can:

  • Use the topic ID as title for generic topics by default.
  • Assign titles in the Topic Properties.

Symbol titles and titles for AutoDoc folders and topics are by default automatically set and can be defined separately for each symbol type. In addition different titles for the page, the TOC, the index and navigation links can be displayed.

  • You can change default setting for symbol topics on the AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content > Titles page.
  • You can change default settings for AutoDoc folders and topics on the AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content > AutoDoc Titles page.
  1. In the Topic Title box in the Topic Properties enter a title. The topic title may consist of one word or an entire phrase; it can include numbers and special characters.

In C++ :: is used as symbol qualifier in titles. To use a dot (".") instead, select the Always use dot as symbol qualifiers in titles check box on the AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content > Titles page.

Symbol Titles, AutoDoc Titles, Topic Titles in PDF

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