You can add existing information to your Doc-O-Matic project. You can add:
File Types
Topic ID is created from
HTML files
.htm and .html
one or more
heading text (<h1>..<h6>, heading from level 1 to 6 in Word documents) or filename or title in a Word document
Plain text files
XML files
filename lower case
To add files to a Doc-O-Matic project
On the Project tab, in the Add group, click Add Files.
In the Add Files dialog box, browse through your directories to the files you want to add.
The Convert File Message asks you if you want to convert your files. Do one of the following:
Click No to add HTML, XML and plain text files to your project. The Topic Preview displays the content of HTML, XML and plain text files. You can export the content of HTML, XML and plain text files to the output formats but you can not edit the text in the Topic Editor.
Click Yes, to convert files into DTX files. The content of HTML files, Word documents saved as Web pages, XML files and plain text files is saved as DTX files and added to your project. You can edit the text in the Topic Editor. HTML files, XML files and plain text files are not altered in any way.
Not all tags in HTML files are understood by Doc-O-Matic. For details, see HTML Files. For a list of supported XML tags and their conversion, see XML Import Tag List.