Doc-O-Matic supports HTML files and Word Documents saved as Web sites as external documentation source. Doc-O-Matic offers several ways to use information stored in HTML files. To use information stored in HTML files you can:
Add HTML files to your project. Text is divided into several topics. Doc-O-Matic displays them in the Topic Preview.
Extract TOC information that is saved as HTML list using the Doc-O-Matic tool Get TOC Info from Topic.
Convert HTML files into DTX files. The DTX files are automatically added to your project. You can edit HTML files in the Doc-O-Matic Topic Editor.
Include HTML files in your HTML outputs. HTML files are used as external source for a specific topic and included in your HTML output. All formatting such as styles and frames and all images appear as specified in the HTML file.
You can add the following HTML files to a project:
These tags are supported by Doc-O-Matic
Doc-O-Matic only supports simple formatting in HTML input files, you can use the tags <b>, <i>, <em>, <strong>, <div>, <pre>, <br>, <li>, <ul>, <ol> and <p>. Text contained within <pre> and </pre> tags will be interpreted as source code and formatted with a fixed pitch by default.
Doc-O-Matic extracts only the filename (logo) from the tag <img scr = "...../.../Filename.extension> (for example <img scr = "http://www.html/images/logo.gif>). You have to make sure that the image is stored in one of your image directories.
<table>, <tr>, <td> tags are supported by Doc-O-Matic. However, you can not nest tables and lists.
The tag <title> is used as title of the topic that is created from the filename of the HTML file.
The tags <title> are used as topic IDs and titles for the HTML file.
All other tags are not supported.
Because < and > are tag delimiters in HTML and in Doc-O-Matic there is a potential risk of confusion. To insert a Doc-O-Matic tag into a HTML file, insert each tag delimiter twice in the character reference style such as in
<<FLAG new in version 2>>
which a WYSIWYG HTML editor displays as
<<FLAG new in version 2>>
To add HTML files to your project
On the Project tab, in the Add group, click Add Files.
Locate and open the folder that contains the file you want to add.
Click Open.
Do one of the following:
Click No, to add plain text files to your project. The Topic Preview displays the content of the files. You can export the content of the files to the output formats but you can not edit the text in the Doc-O-Matic Topic Editor.
Click Yes, to convert files into DTX files. The content the files is saved as DTX files and added to your project. You can edit the text in the Doc-O-Matic Topic Editor. The files are not altered in any way.
To associate different filename extensions with HTML files
On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Settings.
Click the General Settings tab.
Select [General Settings] > General > File Types.
In the File list, select HTML Files.
Click Change.
In Extensions enter the filename extension you want to add.
Note: You can add any Microsoft Word file that is saved as HTML file to the project.
To use HTML Files as external source
You can use HTML files as external source for a specific topic in your HTML output. Using external topics you can include one or more fully formatted HTML pages in your topic. For example, add Word documents or Visio charts saved as HTML files to your documentation.
In the hierarchy select the topic in which you want to include you HTML file.
In the Topic Properties in the External Topics/HTML Files line enter your HTML file without path.
You'll be asked if you want to add the path to your topic include paths.
Topic include path is shown in the Project Manager.
To open the added file in the Content Manager
Select the topic in the hierarchy, and then right-click.
Select Open External Topic.
Advanced User Information
In addition, you can add files using the Import Folderor the Add Folder command on the Project tab or the Manage tab of the Project Manager. If you import topic files Doc-O-Matic extracts all relevant files from the added directory and adds them to the project. If you add a directory Doc-O-Matic attempts to detect relevant files in the added directory each time you parse your project. With this feature you can make sure that all files in a directory are included in your Doc-O-Matic project.