In Doc-O-Matic there are two ways how you can create a glossary for your documentation. You can:
Use the Glossary section and use topic titles as glossary entries.
Use the section Multi Item Glossaryand add several glossary entries for each topic.
You can use each topic in your Help to show your glossary. However, if you use the special topic !!GLOSSARY to show your glossary report you can create an automatic link from each topic page in HTML to your glossary.
To add a glossary
In the hierarchy scroll to the bottom.
On the Manage tab, in the Create Content tab, click New Topic.
Enter !!GLOSSARY in the Topic ID box.
On the View tab, in the Views group, click Reports.
You will see two glossary reports in your project.
The special topic !!GLOSSARY is used as target topic.
Do one of the following:
Activate the Glossary report, to add only topic titles in your glossary. All topic titles in your glossary report are linked to the corresponding topic.
Activate the Multi Item Glossary report, to add several words in a topic to your glossary.
To automatically link single word entries in your whole project to the glossary, select the Use for Aliasing check box.
Add the corresponding glossary section to the topic in your project, by clicking Add Section in the corresponding topic.
To change the formatting of your glossary report, do one of the following:
To show the glossary report in a table without header, clear the Print header check box in your report definition.
To show all your reports as paragraphs, select the Files & Format > Sections > Format page on the corresponding configuration tab, and then click as Paragraph.
To change table widths, select the AutoDoc > Section Options > Table Layout page on the corresponding configuration tab, and then set the table widths for reports.
To omit report names as heading, select the Files & Format > Sections page, and then select the Reports section. In the Edit Section dialog, under Heading click Hide.