You are here: Creating Documentation > AutoDoc Features > Creating Class Hierarchies
Doc-O-Matic 10
Creating Class Hierarchies

In Doc-O-Matic you can draw and include class hierarchies for your project in your documentation.

  1. On the View tab, in the Views group, click Class Hierarchy.
  2. In the Active box, select which class hierarchy appears.
    Note: There are class hierarchies of your whole project and each module in your project.
  3. Use Tools, the Exclude selected classes command and properties to customize your class hierarchy.
  4. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Build .
  5. Your class hierarchy graphics are automatically generated and stored in the graphics subdirectory in the Doc-O-Matic directory.
  6. Switch to the Contents Manager.
  7. Select the topic in which you want to show your class hierarchy.
  8. Click Image .
  9. On the path ../graphics select the class hierarchy you want to show.
  10. Click OK.

Applies to: Doc-O-Matic Professional

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