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> Handling Javadoc Tags
Doc-O-Matic 10
Handling Javadoc Tags

This table lists the most popular Javadoc tags and shows how these tags can be supported by Doc-O-Matic. You can change the default setting for tags that are mapped to sections. If text appears as a specific section these settings can not be changed. The support for Javadoc tags can be enabled and disabled on the [General Settings] > Section > Javadoc page. Support for tags used in Doxygen can be disabled separately with the Support Doxygen tags option.

Javadoc Tag
Doc-O-Matic Mapping
Javadoc tags:
@author, \author
Section: Author
@deprecated, \deprecated
Section: Ignore
@exception, \exception,
Section: Exceptions
@param, \param
Text appears as parameter description
@return, \return, @returns, \returns
Section: Returns
@see, \see
Links appear as See Also entries
@serial, \serial; @serialData, \serialData; @serialField/\serialField;
Section: Ignore
@since, \since
Section: History
@throws, \throws
Section: Exceptions
@version, \version
Section: Version
Inline tags: {@docRoot}; {@link}; {@linkplain}; {@inheritDoc}, {@value}
Not supported
Non standard Javadoc tags:
@beaninfo, \beaninfo
Section: Ignore
@bug, \bug
Section: Bug
@category, \category followed by "topic ID"
Is treated like the group tag, the documented symbol belongs to the group "topic ID"
@component, \component
Section: Ignore
@event, \event
Section: Ignore
Text appears as example section
@exclude, \exclude
Section: Ignore
@exceptions, \exceptions
Section: Exceptions
@history, \history
Section: History
@index, \index
Section: Ignore
@internal, \internal
Section: Internal
@obsolete, \obsolete
Section: Ignore
@raises, \raises
Section: Exceptions
@retval, \retval
Text appears as return value section item
@seealso, \seealso
Section: Ignore
@tutorial, \tutorial
Section: Ignore
@todo, \todo
Section: Todo
Tags used by Doxygen
@a, \a
Italic character formatting
@e, \e
Italic character formatting
@em, \em
Italic character formatting
@b, \b
Bold character formatting
@c, \c
Code character formatting
@p, \p
Code character formatting
@n, \n
@code, \code, @endcode, \endcode
Code paragraph formatting
@li, \li
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