In addition to using the Doc-O-Matic format and property tags you can also use the XML compatible tags that are listed below to format your comments and provide properties for your topics.
Tag |
Syntax |
Description |
property |
<property name= "_NAME_" value="_VALUE_" /> |
Provides properties for a topic such as title, flags and keywords. |
docsource |
<docsource type= "_NAME_" target= "_TARGET_" /> |
Provides an alternate source for the topic content. |
unfinished |
<unfinished /> |
Using this tag you can change the documentation status of symbols and topics. See Unfinished and Version Specific Tag for an example. |
Property |
Syntax |
Description |
Examples |
title |
<property name= "title" value="_VALUE_" /> |
A title for the topic. | |
toctitle |
<property name= "toctitle" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
A title for your topic in the TOC in all output formats. | |
titleimg |
<property name= "titleimg" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
The name of an image file that represents the title. | |
flag |
<property name= "flag" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
Using the flag tag you can add any kind of generic properties to a topic. | |
keyword |
<property name= "keyword" value=" _VALUE_" /> |
Using the keyword tag you can add any number of additional index entries and subentries for a topic. Keywords are separated from their optional subentry by "/". | |
fkeyword |
<property name= "fkeyword" value=" _VALUE_" /> |
Using the fkeyword tag you can add additional keywords used for the context index in Help 2. | |
versionspecific |
<property name= "versionspecific" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
This tag allows you to apply version checks on a per-topic basis. When the topic is exported and the version-checking feature is turned on Doc-O-Matic compares the tag value with the version info of the project and issues a warning if the topic does not match the version number indicated by [+|-] VersionNumber. | |
autolink |
<property name= "autolink" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
Using this tag you can override the project default configuration for autolinking on a per-topic basis. | |
implementation |
<property name= "implementation" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
Using this tag you can override the project default configuration for copying the implementation source code to the output on a per-topic basis. | |
externalhtml |
<property name= "externalhtml" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
Using this tag you can provide an external source for the current topic in your HTML output. | |
externalpdf |
<property name= "externalpdf" value= "_VALUE_" /> |
Using this tag you can provide a graphic as external source for the current topic in your PDF output. |
Property |
Syntax |
Description |
Links to Examples |
alias; aliasof |
<docsource type= "alias" target= "_TARGET_" /> <docsource type= "aliasof" target= "_TARGET_" /> |
Using the alias tag, you can specify a topic from which the documentation is copied. Using the aliasof tag you can instruct Doc-O-Matic to copy the comment of the current topic to a certain topic. Use one docsource tag for each target aliasof topic. | |
combine, combinewith |
<docsource type= "combine" target= "_TARGET_" /> <docsource type= "combinewith" target= "_TARGET_" /> |
Using the combine tag you can also provide documentation for other topics. In addition, the declaration source code parts from all combined topics are concatenated together. The combinewith tag is the reverse operation. Use one docsource tag for each target combinewith topic. | |
copy, copyto |
<docsource type= "copy" target= "_TARGET_" /> <docsource type= "copyto" target= "_TARGET_" /> |
Using the copy tag you can copy the content of another topic to the current topic. Copyto is the reverse operation. Use one docsource tag for each target copyto topic. |
Tag |
Syntax |
Description |
Examples |
b |
<b> </b> |
Text contained within bold tags is made bold in the output. | |
i |
<i> </i> |
Text contained within italic tags is made italic in the output. | |
u |
<u> </u> |
Text contained within underlined tags is underlined in the output. | |
c |
<c> </c> |
Text contained within code tags is formatted as code. Text is not white space - reduced and Doc-O-Matic uses a fixed pitch font. | |
sub |
<sub> </sub> |
Text contained within subscript tags is formatted as subscript in the output. | |
sup |
<sup> </sup> |
Text contained within superscript tags is formatted as superscript in the output. | |
textattr |
<textattr color = "_NAME_">_TEXT_</textattr> |
Text contained within the textattr tags is rendered with a different color. The name references a defined color name or a hex RGB value. In Windows Help colors can be referenced by their name only. | |
label |
<label name="MyLabel"> </label> |
Text contained within the label tags is labeled. Within a label you can enter any text with character formatting but no label tag. | |
p |
<p> |
The paragraph tag forces a new paragraph to be created. Another method is to insert a blank line in the comment block. | |
pre |
<pre> </pre> |
Text that is contained within a pre block is not white space - reduced. Doc-O-Matic copies text including all line feeds, spaces and tabs to the output. All formatting you have applied in the block is preserved. Pre tags cannot be nested. | |
code |
<code [lang= "text" | "c++" | "delphi" | "c#" | "" | "java" | "idl" | "javascript" | "matlab" | "php" ]> </code> |
Text that is contained within code tags is handled exactly as text contained in pre tags. Additionally Doc-O-Matic formats the text using a fixed pitch font. If you add a language attribute the corresponding syntax highlighter will be used for the code block. This setting overrides the project setting for the syntax highlighter. | |
![CDATA[ ]]> |
<![CDATA[ ... begins a CDATA block ]]> ... terminates CDATA block. |
Text in CDATA tags is escaped. Doc-O-Matic ignores any tags inside those blocks (any but </code> and </pre>, which automatically terminate the block. CDATA is valid within code and pre blocks only. The editor will convert CDATA blocks into conventional Doc-O-Matic escaped text. | |
parattr |
<paraattr align= "[left | right | center | justify]">_TEXT_</paraattr> |
Use these tags to align a paragraph to the left or right and to center or justify it. | |
xref |
<xref target ="_TARGET_" text= "_text_" /> |
Xref tags are replaced by a hyperlink to the given topic. The topic ID refers to any topic within the project (symbol and generic topics) or topic IDs in an added link database. If linktext is provided, the link will display this text; otherwise the topic ID appears. | |
exref |
<exref target= "_TARGET_">_TEXT_</exref> |
Adds an external link. The difference to the xref tag is that Doc-O-Matic does not verify the _linktarget_. For this reason you have to ensure that the target is valid and Doc-O-Matic understands how to create a hyperlink to it. | |
img |
<img name= "_NAME_" target= "_TARGET_" text= "_TEXT_" float="yes" /> |
Inserts an image into the text. Name is the name of the image file without path and extension. Doc-O-Matic will search for the file on the Image Path and append appropriate filename extensions (that are filename extensions that can be used in the output format). For this reason omit extensions if possible. | |
xtable |
<xtable border= "no" width= "100%" columnwidths= "30c%,30c%,20c%"> </xtable> |
Text contained within a xtable tags is interpreted as tabular information. To insert tables without borders use the noborder attribute. To insert HTML tables use the htmltable attribute. | |
literal |
<literal html= "_text_" /> |
Replaces the whole tag by the HTML code in your HTML output. | |
use |
<use name= "_NAME_" /> |
Replaces the whole tag by the content of _filename_. _filename_ can contain no, a relative, or a fully qualified path. | |
paramref |
<paramref name="counter"/> |
Doc-O-Matic adds the text label auto.xml.paramref to the project that can be used to format the content of paramref. |
The following tags are used to insert comments into your source code or DTX file when the option XML compatible tags on the [General Settings] > Editor > Standard page is turned on.