Use this dialog box, to define a process for creating and saving new topics. There are two tabs in the dialog box.
To define a process for creating new topics
Click the New Topic Behavior tab.
In the Topic list select the symbol or topic type you want to define a process for.
Under Template Topic do one of the following:
Leave the box empty to use a plain notepad for your topic.
Click the Template arrow, and then select a predefined template topic. Predefined template topics are part of the file template.dtx, that you can find in the support subdirectory in your Doc-O-Matic directory.
Select an existing topic in your project.
Type a topic ID in the Template Topic box.
Select Adjust template to adjust the template to the circumstances of the symbols such as number of parameters.
Under Options you can apply the topic properties version number and unfinished to your new topic.
To define a saving process for saving new topics
Click the Save Topic Behavior tab.
UnderSave Topic do one of the following:
Click Show save dialog, to choose the storage location for each new topic individually.
Click Save to declaration location, to save symbol topics in your source file at the declaration location.
Click Save to implementation location, to save symbol topics in your source file at the implementation location if it is known to Doc-O-Matic.
Click Save to DTX file to store your comments off-source.
To save your comments off-source
Under Filename do one of the following:
Click Automatically choose filename based on source filename to save symbol topics to DTX files named according to the source file they are contained in.
Click Use this filename to choose an existing DTX file or to name it individually.
Select the Create DTX file if necessary check box, to create new DTX files according to the settings above.
Browse to the folder your DTX files are stored in or will be stored in.