How to get here: In Settings on the corresponding configuration tab, select AutoDoc > AutoDoc Folder
Default Setting
You can use the following variables to generate text for AutoDoc folders:
NAME The name of the class.
CATEGORY The folder category name as displayed in the Content Manager.
CATEGORYL The folder category name as displayed in the Content Manager in lowercase.
TYPEL The type of symbols listed in this folder in lowercase.
To create AutoDoc folders and member overviews
Klick the Manage tab.
In the Folders group, click the corresponding ribbon buttons.
AutoDoc content for folders appears as Navigation section and Navigation pages in the output. Content for overloaded function folders appears in the Overloaded List section. There are several ways to format Navigation information.
AutoDoc folder A Doc-O-Matic feature that automatically creates folder topics for symbol types. Folder topics are symbol topics.
member folders Folders for parts of classes such as methods, data members and enumerations.
visibilities folders Folders for parts of classes sorted according to keywords such as public, protected and private.
member overview Automatically created page that lists all members in a class.
global folders Folders for global symbols in source files.
overloaded folder In Doc-O-Matic automatically created folders for overloaded functions. Folders are created on the Manage tab in the Folder group of the Contents Manager. The overloaded functions are shown in a table in the Overloaded List section.