How to get here: In Settings on the corresponding configuration tab, select AutoDoc > Custom Build
Default Setting
Command line parameters
The build process is divided into several steps. The custom build application will be called at certain points during the build process. If the custom build application cannot be started, the build process will be stopped.
Doc-O-Matic passes information about the current build step to the custom build application using command line parameters as follow:
Command Line Parameters
Indicates the current build step
Indicates the output format being generated (GUID)
Indicates the project file name of the project being built
The build steps are defined as follows:
Build Step Code
Example Usage
Before the build process starts.
Custom output directory cleanup.
After the build process has generated all output files.
Automated modification of output files.
After the build process has generated help compiler project files, before the actual help compilation is started.
Automated modification of the help project files.
Build complete, help files have been compiled.
Distribution of the generated output and help files to a remote server.
exit codes A code returned by an application when it stops.