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> AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content
Doc-O-Matic 10
AutoDoc Content

How to get here: In Settings on the corresponding configuration tab, select AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content

  1. In Settings for click the down arrow, and then select the topic type for which you want to change the navigation information.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select Use summary to print the summary section or if not available the default section of a topic in the navigation overview. If no summary and no default section is available the topic is included in the overview without description.
    • Select Find a section of type to print another section type of a topic in the navigation overview.
    • Select Use this section to print a specific section of a topic in the navigation overview.
    • Select Do not add a description to only include topics but no description in the overviews.
    • Select Include topics that supply navigation information only to omit topics without a section of the selected type from navigation overviews.
  3. Limit the words printed in the description and enter the word you want to use as placeholder.

Note that only text to the first heading, list or table in this section appears as descriptions. Tables, lists and headings in the selected sections and text following tables will be removed in the description of Navigation sections and tables.

sections Logical areas topics and comment blocks can be divided into. 

generic topic A topic that is not associated with a source code symbol. 

symbol topic A topic that is associated with a source code symbol. 

AutoDoc folder A Doc-O-Matic feature that automatically creates folder topics for symbol types. 

navigation section In Doc-O-Matic automatically added sections that include overviews of symbols and topics and links such as links to the parent topic. 

navigation overviews In Doc-O-Matic automatically created overviews that include symbols and short descriptions in the Navigation section. 

Translating the Output, Navigation Sections, Section Options, Member Listing

Navigation Heading, Navigation Table, Navigation Paragraph, Navigation Header, Navigation Link List

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