How to get here: In Settings on the HTML Configuration tab, select Files & Format > Help 2 > Registration > Filters
Default Setting
Doc-O-Matic automatically creates a filter called "(no filter)" which is necessary to display the complete content of the Help file. It also serves as the default filter. The default filter does not have a filter expression. It should not be deleted but you may rename it.
To create a filter for your whole Help content
Next to the Filter box, click Add.
In the Displayed Text box type the text you want to show in the filter combo box in the Help 2 Viewer.
In the Expression box type the text by which you can filter your Help.
To create a filter for parts of your Help
Mark topics that you want to include in a filter using flags. For example add flags for Advanced User and Beginners.
In the Edit Flag dialog on the AutoDoc > Flags page select the Use as attribute check box.
In the Name box typ the name of the attribute. This can be the flag name or another name. For example type Audience.
Next to the Filter box, click Add.
Enter display text and an expression. For example enter Advanced Users. in the Display Text box and enter("Audience"="Advanced Users") in the Expression box.
Help 2 A proprietary format for online Help files for the .NET framework.
H2Reg A third party tool by The Helpware Group that plugs Help 2 files into other Help systems.
TFHxReg A tool by toolsfactory that plugs Help 2 files into other Help systems and can register filters.
.HxS The filename extension that identifies the Help 2 Help file.
context-sensitive Help A form of assistance in which a program that provides on-screen help shows information to the user concerning the current command or operation being attempted.
integration of Help systems The combining of an Help system with the Help system of an IDE.
namespace Windows uses namespaces to keep track of the location of all registered Help files.
MS.VSCC+, MS.VSCC The Visual Studio combined collection (VSCC).
Borland.BDS, Borland.BDS3 The Borland collection for Delphi.
VSHIK A tool by Microsoft that registers Help 2 project. It can not be used to plug in Help 2 files into other Help systems.