Assume you have a VB source file and you select the Use everything in the file check box:
' Encryption function
' This function "encrypts" string using
' very simple ascii code shifting. It
' supplied as a demo only, do not use it
' to secure vital information.
' Plain - the string that will be "encrypted".
' The "encrypted" string.
'Source Code:
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal Plain As String)
Dim Letter As String
For I = 1 To Len(Plain)
Letter = Mid$(Plain, I, 1)
Mid$(Plain, I, 1) = Chr(Asc(Letter) + 1)
Next I
Encrypt = Plain
End Function
After processing the file, Doc-O-Matic uses the following:
Encryption function
This function "encrypts" string using
very simple ascii code shifting. It
supplied as a demo only, do not use it
to secure vital information.
Plain - the string that will be "encrypted".
The "encrypted" string.
Source Code:
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal Plain As String)
Dim Letter As String
For I = 1 To Len(Plain)
Letter = Mid$(Plain, I, 1)
Mid$(Plain, I, 1) = Chr(Asc(Letter) + 1)
Next I
Encrypt = Plain
End Function
This is the content of the entire file without comment characters. The last comment line Source Code: makes sure that the source of the function is used in a special way, that is set off from the text and formatted using a mono-spaced font.
Note: The @@Encrypttoken instructs Doc-O-Matic that a new topic with ID Encrypt starts at this position in the file.