Doc-O-Matic creates a copyright page for your print output using the Special TopicCopyright Page (ID !!COPYRIGHT).
The page appears as second page of the print output. In a double-sided document, it appears on the back page of the title page. Only the text you added to the Copyright topic is printed on the copyright page.
To apply character and paragraph styles to your copyright page use the Copyright Page TextFormatting Element.
To add a header and a footer to the copyright page, select the Print header and footer on copyright page check box on the Output Options page.
To add your copyright information on the title page, type your copyright information in the copyright box on the General Options or the Files and Format page.
To remove this information, clear the Print Copyright on title page check box on the Output Options page.
To customize the copyright footer
To show your copyright information instead of the copyright information of toolsfactory software inc above the footer of each page in registered commercial versions, type your copyright information in the Special TopicCopyright Footer Text (ID !!COPYRIGHT_FOOTER).
You can format the Copyright Footer by using the Copyright NoticeFormatting Element.
Related Settings
General Options, Files and Format (PDF, RTF), Output Options (PDF, RTF)
Formatting Elements
Copyright Notice, Copyright Page Text, Title Page Copryright