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> AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content > AutoDoc Titles
Doc-O-Matic 10
AutoDoc Titles

How to get here: In Settings on the corresponding configuration tab, select AutoDoc > AutoDoc Content > AutoDoc Titles

The entry in the Link field determines which text is displayed for the links to this symbol type in the topic title link list and the Link section.

overloaded member functions Functions with the same name. The functions are distinguished by their parameter types, return value types or both. 

overloaded folderIn Doc-O-Matic automatically created folders for overloaded functions. Folders are created on the Manage tab in the Folder group of the Contents Manager. The overloaded functions appear in a table in the Overloaded List section. 

fully qualified symbol name A symbol name that includes the namespace and the class name of the symbol. 

namespace A context for identifiers. C++, Java, C#, VB.NET and in Delphi 8 and later provide support for namespaces. 

AutoDoc folder A Doc-O-Matic feature that automatically creates folder topics for symbol types. Folders are symbol topics. 

member type folders Folders for parts of classes such as methods, data members and enumerations. 

visibilities folders Folders for parts of classes sorted according to keywords such as public, protected and private. 

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