How to get here: In Settings on the corresponding configuration tab, select AutoDoc > Local Class Hierarchy > Layout
To synchronize global and local class hierarchy formatting
Click the Copy main class hierarchy settings link.
local class hierarchy A graphicalrepresentation of the class relationships of the current class in the Class Hierarchy (Inheritance Hierarchy in Visual Studio templates) section.
control point A helper node for special cases of multiple inheritance hierarchies.
layout direction The direction in which the class hierarchy is drawn.
node A location on the hierarchy tree that can have links to one or more nodes below it.
level spacing The spacing between different levels of the class hierarchy.
port offset The spacing between node borders and the imaginary connection point of lines that are drawn to the node.
gradient A smooth progression of colors and shades, usually from one color to another color, or from one shade to another shade of the same color.
highlight color Color used to alter the appearance of selected nodes as a means of calling attention to them.