You are here: Creating Documentation > Topic Editor > Word-processing Features > Topic ID
Doc-O-Matic 10
Topic ID

The topic ID makes the topic identifiable for the program. If you do not assign a title, the topic ID is also used as topic title by default. There are several ways to select or copy topic IDs using the Topic Editor.

  1. On the Editor tab, in Insert group, click More and then click Topic ID.
  2. In the Pick Topic dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Scroll down until you see the topic ID you want to insert.
    • Use the Filter to find topic IDs.
  1. Select the topic in the Content Manager.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click in the topic hierarchy and select Copy Topic ID to Clipboard.
    • Select the topic and right-click in the Topic Preview. Select Copy Topic ID to Clipboard.
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